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Case Study: Salisbury, North Carolina – Establishing Collaboration to Address Violent Crime

NCJ Number
Date Published
4 pages

This case study describes how Salisbury, North Carolina used the training and technical assistance provided under the federal National Public Safety Partnership (PSP) to improve overall public safety and reduce violent crime.


The PSP enables cities to consult with and receive coordinated training and technical assistance (TTA) and resources from the U.S. Department of Justice to support strategies for reducing violence. The PSP facilitates the development of data-driven, evidence-based strategies tailored to the distinctive local needs of participating cities. After consulting with the U.S. Justice Department’s Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Diagnostic Center, the city of Salisbury participated in the PSP from October 2018 to March 2020. The data analysis by OJP’s Diagnostic Center found that property crimes, drugs, and interpersonal violent crime has historically driven incidents and calls for public-safety services in Salisbury. In its consultation with the OJP Diagnostic Center, Salisbury identified and improved citizen engagement in efforts to reduce violent crime as a priority. As part of this initiative, the Salisbury Police Department (SPD) improved its strategic communication plans and social media presence. In February 2019, Salisbury received strategic communications technical assistance to expand the department’s community engagement by establishing a social media team and improving the efforts of the Public Information Office (PIO). In November 2018, SPD participated in a review of its crime analysis and technology capacity. The review recommended ways for the SPD to develop its capacity in crime analysis and technology, including hiring a crime analyst to improve data quality and adding or upgrading technology. Improving investigative capacities was also a goal under the PSP. This case study of Salisbury’s activities under the PSP exemplifies how a site can transition from one program to another and use federal resources and partners to reduce violent crime, increase law enforcement capacity, and improve community relations.