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Caregiver-Teacher Agreement on Emotional and Behavioral Problems in Traumatized Youth in Residential Treatment

NCJ Number
Residential Treatment for Children & Youth Volume: 30 Issue: 3 Dated: July-September 2013 Pages: 151-167
Brittany B. Kugler, M.a., M.s.w.; Natasha L. Burke, M.A.; Marlene Bloom, Ph.D.; Tatyana V. Truax, B.a.; Lauren B. Kaercher, B.a.; Eric A. Storch Ph.D.
Date Published
August 2013
17 pages
This study investigated agreement and theoretically relevant moderators of agreement between non-parent caregivers and teachers in a sample of traumatized youth.
The purpose of this study was to investigate agreement and theoretically relevant moderators of agreement between non-parent caregivers and teachers in a sample of traumatized youth. Two hundred eleven children (ages 5-16 years) who had experienced abuse and/or neglect were administered the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSCC) shortly after their admission. Additionally, their primary non-parent caregivers were administered the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and their teachers were administered the Teacher Report Form (TRF). Inter-rater agreement between caregivers and teachers was low (Total problems, ICC = 0.29). Agreement was higher for Externalizing Problems as compared to Internalizing Problems. Agreement was generally not moderated by age, gender, or severity of posttraumatic stress, although there were several exceptions. These data suggest that non-parent caregiver and teacher agreement of emotional and behavioral problems in traumatized youth is low but comparable to agreement between parents and teachers. Assessment and treatment implications are discussed. Abstract published by arrangement with Taylor and Francis.