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Black Supporters of Racial Profiling: A Demographic Profile

NCJ Number
Criminal Justice Policy Review Volume: 24 Issue: 4 Dated: July 2013 Pages: 422-440
Shaun L. Gabbidon; George E. Higgins; Kideste M. Wilder-Bonner
Date Published
July 2013
19 pages
This study analyzed a national Gallup poll that included measures on profiling and had a significant number of Black respondents.
As an anomaly of extant literature that maintains Blacks as a collective are less supportive of racial profiling than other ethnic groups, this article explores the backgrounds of Blacks who support the practice of racial profiling (referred to as Black Supporters). This study analyzed a national Gallup poll that included measures on profiling and had a significant number of Black respondents (N = 534). Black Supporters tended to be female; live in the Southern United States; and be politically conservative. Although multivariate analyses revealed few differences between Black Supporters and nonsupporters, the study represents an earnest attempt to explore Black support for a policing strategy that has both historically and contemporarily had negative effects on Black communities. The authors conclude the article by discussing the benefits of studying Black Supporters. Abstract published by arrangement with Sage Journals.