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Bills to Authorize Prosecution of Terrorists and Others Who Attack US Government Employees and Citizens Abroad - Hearing Before the Senate Subcommittee on Security and Terrorism, July 30, 1985

NCJ Number
Date Published
106 pages
This publication provides the text of three proposed terrorist laws and supporting testimony from Government officials, policy analysts, and victims of hostage incidents.
The three bills, amendments to title 18 of the United States Code, deal with the prosecution of terrorists who attack Government employees and United States nationals abroad and authorize the death penalty for first degree terrorist murder. Testimony examines gaps in current antiterrorist law, provisions of the proposed laws, and their constitutional implications. The incidence of and trends in attacks against U.S. citizens abroad also are discussed, as is the need for international cooperation in combating terrorist activities. Foreign policy implications of the bills are considered as they relate to State-sponsored terrorism. Also included are court opinions in cases involving foreign nationals accused of terrorist acts. Despite legal and policy issues implicit in enactment of the legislation, testimony is supportive. Statements by three survivors of an airplane hijacking recount their experience and reactions to it.