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Beyond the Bell: A Toolkit for Creating Effective After-School Programs

NCJ Number
Katie E. Walter; Judith G. Caplan; Carol K. McElvain
Date Published
113 pages
This "toolkit" is designed to help after-school program staff plan and coordinate programming in six critical areas: management, collaboration, programming, integration with the traditional school day, evaluation, and communication.
At a time when more and more youth are spending the hours between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. unsupervised, the need is great for high-quality after-school programs. After-school programs can help solve school problems, reduce drug use, and prevent violence and youth crime. In providing guidance for the staff of after-school programs, this toolkit discusses key decision points, offers criteria for decision-making, suggests effective strategies, and provides a set of tools to assist in the decision-making process. Some of the tools help with data gathering, some create formats for analyzing information, others help to structure dialog around important issues, and others assist with information sharing. Some key concepts are the basis of this document and should guide the decisions of all program planners. First, think strategically; the vision for the future of the program should shape every decision in the present. Second, think inclusively; the program belongs to the community, so community members should have a voice in and responsibility for its operations. Third, think collaboratively; programs should reflect the interdependence of a community through the sharing of ideas, mission, and resources. The section on management considers organizing the management of the program, managing resources, and staffing the program to attract and keep able personnel. Other sections of the toolkit address collaboration and community building, issues in programming, the integration of after-school programs with the traditional school day, program evaluation, and issues in communication that pertain to effective outreach for the target audience. 33 annotated resources