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Belonging and Permanence: An Interview With Dr. Karl Menninger

NCJ Number
Community Alternatives Volume: 3 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring 1991) Pages: 1-8
B Galaway
Date Published
8 pages
In this interview, Dr. Karl Menninger discusses "The Villages" program, established by the Menninger Foundation in the 1960's as an alternative to foster home placements.
Dr. Menninger emphasizes the importance of permanence and belonging to children, particularly those exhibiting tendencies toward juvenile delinquency. The Villages perspective toward punishment is described. Dr. Menninger criticizes State social workers for their reluctance or inability to separate the needs of the children from financial or other external issues. The objective of The Villages is to provide permanence, but Federal and State priorities often dictate otherwise. Dr. Menninger points out that the instability in the foster care system is detrimental to children, who often end up involved with the adult criminal justice system. (Author abstract modified)