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Anatomy of a Prison Educator - A Profile of Correctional Educators in Windham School System, Huntsville, Texas

NCJ Number
Journal of Correctional Education Volume: 37 Issue: 1 Dated: (March 1986) Pages: 24-29
C A Loeffier; T C Martin; D L Henderson; R McNeese
Date Published
5 pages
All correctional educators in the Windham School System, the Texas correctional educational system, were profiled using a 24-item questionnaire that solicited information on educators' background and experience.
The 330 respondents were employed in the system as of September 1, 1983. Seventy-four percent of the educators were males, and 63 percent of the respondents were between 30 and 50 years old. Ninety-one percent were white, 5 percent black, and 3 percent Hispanic. A total of 65.5 percent had experience teaching in the public schools. The group with no prior public school experience were mostly males. A significant number had either advanced degrees or professional certifications. Eighty percent were earning a salary over $20,000. The majority sought employment in the Windham system because of job availability and salary. Most preferred to stay in the Windham system at the time of the interview. A total of 36.4 percent had been with the system 1 to 3 years, and 14.8 percent had been with the system 7 to 10 years. Over 50 percent of the respondents were active members of the Correctional Education Association. 6 tables and 15 references.