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Amnesty International Report 1982

NCJ Number
Date Published
371 pages
This report documents human rights abuses discovered by Amnesty International during 1981 in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.
It identifies governmental violations of individual human rights in over 100 countries and names specific 'prisoners of conscience' that Amnesty is supporting or whose cases are under investigation. In each country where human rights violations have occurred, Amnesty seeks the release of prisoners of conscience (or those detained for their beliefs, color, sex, ethnic origin, or religion, provided they have not used or advocated violence). The organization also advocates fair and early trials for all political prisoners and works on behalf of such persons detained without charge or trial. It opposes the death penalty and torture or other inhumane practices of all prisoners, without reservation. Appended material includes Amnesty's statute, selected statistics, and lists of Amnesty adoption groups and national sections, along with States ratifying international covenants.