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African-American Males and the Law: Cases and Materials

NCJ Number
Floyd D. Weatherspoon
Date Published
362 pages
This book examines the negative impact of the American criminal justice system on African-American males.
The book identifies stereotypical biases about African-American males and explains how the American justice system sanctions, perpetuates and in some instances creates those stereotypes. It also considers the case for and against separate schools for black males. A major section of the book discusses the impact of the criminal justice system on African-American males, particularly issues related to sentencing, incarceration, selective enforcement, the death penalty and police brutality. The book also examines the effect on black males of prosecutorial decisions and biases in the courtroom, and identifies areas where African-American males are treated less favorably by other institutional systems, e.g., employment, juvenile justice system and the health care system. The book includes discussion questions. Notes, cases, index