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Adolescent Male Prostitution: A Study of Sexual Exploitation, Etiological Factors, and Runaway Behavior

NCJ Number
N Day; B Fisher; T Marotta; E Fazio; T Johnson; M Magee; K Weisberg
Date Published
10 pages
This study focuses on adolescent males involved in prostitution and examines the relationship between adolescent male prostitution and adolescent male involvement in pornography and related sexual exploitation activities.
Interviews were conducted in seven cities across the country with staff of programs involved in delivering services to juvenile prostitutes and other relevant service providers. Results from an ethnographic study, hustler profiles, and a literature review are analyzed. A description of adolescent males involved in prostitution indicates that the majority are gay-identified, between 16 and 22 years old, and independent street hustlers or freelance call boys. Results also strongly suggest that there is very little relationship between adolescent male prostitution and other sexual exploitation activities. Very few communities have organized significant efforts to deal with this problem or to provide services to this population. 1 footnote