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Address Before the Second Annual Youth Workers Conference, Georgetown University, June 8, 1978

NCJ Number
S Chisholm
Date Published
11 pages
In this address, Congresswoman Chisholm criticizes the Federal youth policy and the low priority with which youth service programs are regarded by the Congress.
The Congresswoman's efforts on issues affecting youth, and particularly juvenile delinquency, have been guided by her belief that there is a lack of Federal programs and agencies which impact upon the needs of young people and that youth alienation from the educational institutions are often the first step toward delinquency and crime. The increase in serious school delinquency reflects this growing alienation of young people from the schools. One of the ways to combat school based delinquency is to develop alternative programs that students will find relevant. Although interest was shown in this area by the Office of Juvenile Delinquency, it has not made concrete efforts to develop programs. Other problems with the Federal juvenile justice effort which also cast doubt upon this office's leaderships include the cancellation of two inter-agency agreements regarding youth employment and residential improvement of public housing authorities, and the office's failure to expend its funds as appropriated by Congress. It is important to move for Congressional hearings on the fund allocation question, as well as on other issues concerning the record of the Office of Juvenile Justice in placing minority groups into policy positions. (ERIC (Educational Resource Information Center) abstract)


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