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ACLD-R and D Project: Final Report

NCJ Number
D Crawford
Date Published
176 pages
This final report details an academic treatment program that was designed, conducted, and evaluated to determine its effect on preventing juvenile delinquency or rehabilitating adjudicated juvenile delinquents with identified learning disabilities.
The remediation program was conducted in Baltimore, Indianapolis, and Phoenix using a program director, certified teachers of special education, and aides. The program began in September 1977 and operated through July 1979, with the goal of providing the equivalent of 1 hour for each school day for 9 months to each juvenile. The 415 adolescents were all adjudicated delinquents and were randomly assigned either to receive remediation or to be part of the control group, which received no treatment. The remedial efforts focused on school subjects and were designed to address students' deficiencies in the basic academic skill areas. The program evaluation focused on the impacts on academic achievement, delinquency, and attitudes toward school. Results indicated that certain academic intervention will rehabilitate learning disabled juvenile delinquents. Additional results suggest that with early identification and the same type of intervention, future delinquency could be prevented among children with learning disabilities. Footnotes, figures, tables, forms appended list of basic academic skills, and 16 references