NCJ Number
Date Published
120 pages
This report presents findings from a field test on the effectiveness of a workshop designed to reduce the risk of sexual revictimization among an urban sample of women.
Results indicated that in comparison to a matched control group that did not receive the workshop intervention, the workshop intervention was not effective in reducing sexual revictimization among participants over a 6-month followup period. Specifically, the workshop did not raise awareness of risky situations or reduce self-blame for prior victimization. On the other hand, women in the intervention group did improve on measures of post-traumatic stress from the baseline to the 6-month followup assessment as well as on the measure of confidence in their ability to handle potentially dangerous situations. Participants were 84 previously sexually victimized women who were randomly assigned to participate in the intervention workshop or to a control condition with no intervention training. Both groups completed a series of questionnaires both prior to the workshop and again 6 months after the workshop. Questionnaires focused on knowledge of sexual assault risk factors, confidence in handling risky situations, attributes for past victimizations, post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, behavior in dating situations, and sexual victimization. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests. The discussion considers reasons why the intervention workshop showed no effect on revictimization risk, including measurement problems, a small sample, and a lengthy followup period. The findings suggest many avenues for future research, such as exploring adult learning principles more thoroughly and developing better measures of sexual assault attitudes. Tables, figures, footnotes, references, appendixes
Date Published: January 1, 2006
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