This issue contains feature articles, news briefs, and information on training options relevant to the work of the U.S. Justice Department's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), which sponsors research, evidence-based program models, and training resources to state, local, and tribal jurisdictions to aid them in preventing and responding effectively to juvenile delinquency.
One feature article reports on OJJDP's participation in the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges' annual National Conference on Juvenile Justice on March 17-20, 2019. Another feature article reports on the proceedings of the 2019 National Summit on Youth Homelessness, which was hosted by the National Network for Youth. The Summit focused on how government agencies, policymakers, service providers, youth leaders, and other experts can collaborate to prevent and respond to this serious problem. A third feature article reports on OJJDP's observance of Second Chance Month in April 2019, which focuses on improving reentry and reducing recidivism for youth returning to their communities from a confinement facility. This article provides information on how OJJDP is supporting this effort through grants that are helping jurisdictions to implement strategies that address substance abuse and mental health issues among these youth. Another article reports on the Youth Collaboratory, which provides training and technical assistance to organizations working with young victims of commercial sexual exploitation and domestic sex trafficking. OJJDP helps fund and works in partnership in this effort. "Research Central" reports on findings from an OJJDP-funded study that examined developmental and delinquency issues of youth involved in both the juvenile justice system and the child protective services system. Brief accounts of OJJDP-related news and upcoming events are also provided in this issue.
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