This issue of the Journal of Juvenile Justice contains eight articles examining current issues in juvenile justice.
The first article "General Strain Predictors of Arrest History Among Homeless Youth from Four United States Cities" identifies mental health and situational predictors of arrest history among homeless youth in four U.S. cities. The second article "Students' Perceptions of School Learning Climate in a Rural Juvenile Detention Educational Facility" assesses students' perceptions of the learning climate in a rural residential juvenile detention educational facility. The third article "Transitions of Truants: Community Truancy Board as a Turning Point in the Lives of Adolescents" examines the success of the West Valley Community Truancy Board in Spokane, WA. The fourth article "Family Warmth and Delinquency among Mexican American and White Youth: Detailing the Causal Variables" investigates the complex relationships between family factors and delinquency among Mexican-American and white youth. The fifth article "Polygraph Testing for Juveniles in Treatment for Sexual Behavior Problems: An Exploratory Study" presents the results of a study investigating the impact of polygraph testing on adolescent males participating in specialized outpatient treatment. The sixth article "The 10-Question Tool: A Novel Screening Instrument for Runaway Youth" explores the use of a 10-question form for use by law enforcement to screen runaway youth. The seventh article "Applying a Developmental Reintegration" makes the case that the use of a developmental lens can improve the effectiveness of juvenile reentry. The final article "Commentary: Assessing Client Outcomes in Youth Justice Services: Current Status and Future Directions" considers how client outcomes other than recidivism might be conceptualized and reliably assessed.
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