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This videotape summarizes the content of a report and resource guide developed by the Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime and aims to help crime victim advocates, policymakers, legislators, and others to generate action to implement the approximately 250 recommendations contained in the report.
The report is titled "New Directions from the Field: Victims' Rights and Services for the 21st Century." The video describes the rationale for the report and the continuing challenges experienced in relation to victims' rights; describes promising practices; and offers specific suggestions for pursuing State, local, and community-based initiatives on behalf of crime victims. The discussion notes that the recommendations contained in the report were developed in communities and for communities. Their core principle is that all victims deserve consistent and basic rights, regardless of whether their case appears in Federal, State, local, juvenile, or other courts. The discussion also emphasizes the challenges of ensuring that victim services are comprehensive and crafted to all victims' needs and of encouraging the evolution of victim services through continuing education and training. Case examples. For discussion guide see NCJ-182291
Date Published: January 1, 2000
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