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Implementing Performance-Based Measures in Community Corrections, Research in Brief

NCJ Number
Date Published
June 1996
7 pages
Publication Series
This report presents a model process for community corrections agencies' strategic planning and evaluation that relies on performance-based measures.
This report is based on the concept that performance-based measures could provide agencies with a mechanism for assessing what they do and how well they do it. The model proposed by the American Probation and Parole Association is a five-step process. The steps are to clarify values, define agency mission, develop organizational goals, implement activities to meet agency goals, and evaluate performance. It is expected that this process will better assess activities (e.g., treatment and services, surveillance, enforcement) that define the profession. It also provides a clear differentiation between long-term goals, such as reduced recidivism, and short-term objectives, such as increased probation completion rate. The model promotes "results-oriented management" through establishment of benchmarks and standards on which to base organizational improvement and judge success or failure. Further, it creates a learning environment that contributes to organizational growth through structured feedback and continuous monitoring and evaluation. The use of performance- based measures enables community-based corrections agencies to compete successfully for limited public funds by demonstrating agency value. 5 exhibits and 10 notes

Grant Number(s)
Publication Type
Program/Project Evaluation

Date Published: June 1, 1996