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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Human Trafficking Service Providers: Developing a Local Network

NCJ Number
Date Published
October 2020
2 pages

This document gives an overview of the benefits of establishing a local network of human trafficking service providers, and provides tips on how to get started.


This brief document provides an overview of benefits and the required steps for developing a local network of service providers in support of human trafficking victims. By engaging with local organizations, human trafficking service provider (HTSP) networks are able to broaden and improve the services available to all forms of human trafficking victims. Networks allow for increased information sharing as well as the provision of the most complete set of services to all victims of human trafficking. The document provides information on national, state, tribal, and community networks; it highlights the Victims Assistance Network in Washington, DC; and lists some suggested steps for when and how to get started forming a local HTSP network. Additional information provides the email and phone number of the Office for Victims of Crime – Human Trafficking Capacity Building Center.

Publication Type
Reference Material

Date Published: October 1, 2020