NCJ Number
Date Published
May 1995
269 pages
This guide is a resource to help States, cities, and communities implement the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's (OJJDP's) Comprehensive Strategy for Serious, Violent, and Chronic Juvenile Offenders.
OJJDP's comprehensive strategy is based on five general principles. First, the strategy must strengthen the family in its primary responsibility to instill moral values and provide guidance and support to children. Second, the strategy must support core social institutions--schools, religious institutions, and community organizations--in their roles of developing capable, mature, and responsible youth. Third, the strategy must promote delinquency prevention as the most cost- effective approach to reducing juvenile delinquency. Fourth, the strategy must intervene immediately and effectively when delinquent behavior occurs. Fifth, the strategy must identify and control the small group of serious, violent, and chronic juvenile offenders. The guide is presented in four parts. The first provides a detailed blueprint for use by communities and organizations that plan to implement all or part of the comprehensive strategy. The remaining three parts provide detailed, research-focused program on key topics covered in Part I, including prevention, graduated sanctions, and risk assessment. 491 references and subject index
Date Published: May 1, 1995
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