First, the awarding government agency will create a POC from the System for Award Management. If you are the POC, you should have received two emails—one providing you with your ASAP username and one providing a temporary password with a link to create a new password.
If you are not the recipient organization POC, you must be assigned one of the six roles to use ASAP:
- POC—adds user or modifies their roles.
- Head of organization—approves changes to users and their roles. (Note: There can be only one head of organization.)
- Financial official—enters and maintains banking account information.
- Authorizing official—adds payment requestor and inquirer only users.
- Payment requestor—initiates payment request.
- Inquirer only—can only run reports so no other role is allowed.
Once you are assigned a role, you should be able to create an account and access ASAP using your role’s permissions.