Although the U.S. Census Bureau has collected extensive data on Puerto Rico, the relevant labor market files for preparing an EEOP Utilization Report are not readily available. Therefore, the online system for creating the Report cannot access this information. In the past, recipients in Puerto Rico have used, and OCR has accepted, alternative labor market data collected by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or local jurisdictions. In preparing the Report, recipients in Puerto Rico should focus primarily on sex: reporting the number and percentage of women in the recipient's workforce in each of the eight major job categories and then comparing this percentage to the percentage of qualified women in each of the same job categories in the relevant labor market. If there is significant underutilization, the recipient should analyze the result and propose, if warranted, objectives to correct the problem and steps it plans to take to achieve the objectives. Recipients should find the Sample EEOP Report helpful in creating a similar offline report. Recipients should also include an internal and external plan for disseminating the modified EEOP report.
Even if recipients in Puerto Rico are unable to prepare the Report because of the absence of relevant labor market statistics, they should be mindful of the regulatory requirement to keep employment data related to hiring, promoting, transferring and disciplining workers (see 28 C.F.R. § 42.301-.308).
In some instances, OCR may request employment data in lieu of the Report (e.g., applicant flow data cross-classified by race, national origin and sex for all entry-level positions).