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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

How to Engage Families of Youth Involved in Juvenile Justice (Webinar)

Event Dates
This webinar will highlight the National Technical Assistance Center for the Education of Neglected or Delinquent Children and Youth's recently released NDTAC Issue Brief: Family Involvement (2nd ed.).

Authors Kia Jackson, Okori Christopher, and Katie Penkoff will provide an overview of the publication which is primarily designed to assist practitioners in their efforts to engage families in the education and treatment of youth at risk for or involved in the juvenile justice system.

The webinar will touch upon topics from the brief including the evolving definition of family, compelling reasons for engaging families, and promising advances in the field.

In addition, this webinar will also feature facility personnel who are actively engaging families through the provision of notable and innovative engagement supports or services.

Date Created: February 3, 2021