Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI)
Eligible Offender Samples are Missing in CODIS: A Statewide Approach to Performing a Lawfully Owed DNA Census
Forensics Unit Programs
Research on Intimate Partner Sexual Assault Using Previously Unsubmitted Sexual Assault Kits
Research on Intimate Partner Sexual Assault Using Previously Unsubmitted Sexual Assault Kits
Just Science Podcast: Just Sexual Assault Response For Cases Without DNA Evidence
Forensics Unit Programs
The Minnesota Sexual Assault Kit Research Project
SAKI—Bringing Justice to Georgia
FY 2023 Solicitation Overview: National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) Training and Technical Assistance Program
SAKI—Bringing Justice to Georgia
Solving Violent Crime Through Lawfully “Owed” DNA: Outcomes of Efforts to Address Missed DNA Samples
Cost-Benefit Analysis Tool for Labor Expenditure Associated With Sexual Assault Kit Processing Workflows
Cost-Benefit Analysis Tool for Labor Expenditure Associated With Sexual Assault Kit Processing Workflows
BJA’s SAKI Program Solves 36-Year-Old Sexual Assault Cold Case, Bringing Long-Sought Justice to the Victim
One early morning in 1985, a masked intruder broke into Carrie Krejci’s apartment. At gunpoint, he tied her hands behind her back. Hearing stories on the news of a masked man roaming the neighborhood raping women at gunpoint and fearing for her own life, she begged for mercy. After ransacking her home, the assailant brutally raped her.
On August 19, 2020, David Thomas Hawkins, 75...