Commercial sexual exploitation of children
“Flexibility and Consistency”: Qualitative Insights on Valuable Skills for Providers Working with Survivors of Child Sex Trafficking
“Flexibility and Consistency”: Qualitative Insights on Valuable Skills for Providers Working with Survivors of Child Sex Trafficking
Take Action Against Trafficking of Black Girls
Friends, Family, and Boyfriends: An Analysis of Relationship Pathways Into Commercial Sexual Exploitation
Evaluation of Services for the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Youth: A Scoping Review
Evaluation of Services for the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Youth: A Scoping Review
Safe harbor law: pre- to post-implementation change in service providers' knowledge and response to sex trafficking of minors
Safe harbor law: pre- to post-implementation change in service providers' knowledge and response to sex trafficking of minors
Study Revealed Safe Harbor Laws Increased Protections for Sex-Trafficked Youth, Identified Needs for Agency Support and Judicial Training
Developing a Community Response for High-Risk Victims of Child Sex Trafficking and Exploitation
St. Johns, AZ
Developing a Community Response for High-Risk Victims of Child Sex Trafficking and Exploitation
Lafayette, LA
National Strategy for Child Exploitation Prevention and Interdiction: A Report to Congress
Friends, Family, and Boyfriends: An Analysis of Relationship Pathways Into Commercial Sexual Exploitation
Increasing Child Serving Professionals' Awareness and Understanding of the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children.
OJJDP News @ a Glance, January/February 2020
OJJDP News @ a Glance, January/February 2020
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OJP, along with DOJ partners, are committed to supporting and protecting America's law enforcement. Featured resources include officer safety & wellness, DOJ resources, VALOR, tribal law enforcement, and helping law enforcement combat opioids.