The statutory and regulatory information contained on this page does not constitute legal advice and is for general informational purposes only. The OCR makes no guarantee that the statutory authority or regulatory code citied within is the most current version of said law/regulation. For more recent versions of the U.S. Code and the CFR, users should consult the official revised U.S.C. or the eCFR.
An Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) plan is a comprehensive document that analyzes a recipient's relevant labor market data, as well as the recipient's employment practices. Its purpose is to ensure the opportunity for full and equal participation of men and women in the workplace, regardless of race, color, or national origin.
As a recipient of Department of Justice funding, your organization may be required to submit a Certification Report or the Utilization Report portion of your plan to the Office for Civil Rights. If you are unsure of whether your organization is subject to the Civil Rights requirements of the Safe Streets Act, please refer to the FAQ How can I tell if a recipient is subject to the Safe Streets Act?
The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Reporting System will allow you to create your organization’s account, then prepare and submit an EEO Certification Form and if required, create and submit an EEO Utilization Report. You will also be able to access your organization’s saved information in subsequent logins.
- If you have IT or system related problems, such as trouble setting up your password or login issues refer to the Entity Management Training Guide. If you have problems navigating the system please refer to the EEO Reporting Tool Job Aid. If you still require assistance, please call the EEOP Service Desk at 202-307-0627 and leave a detailed message, or email [email protected].
- If you have questions please visit the EEOP FAQ page to determine what constitutes an EEO program or other related reporting requirements. If you still require assistance, please call the Office for Civil Rights at 202-616-1771 and leave a detailed message, or email [email protected].
** Please note that if you are using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to access the EEO Reporting Tool you may experience browser compatibility issues, and unable to view/edit some fields in the reporting system. We suggest that you use Internet Explorer 11 when accessing the EEOP Reporting System.