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Antisocial Behavior: Personality Disorders From Hostility to Homicide

NCJ Number
Benjamin B. Wolman Ph.D.
Date Published
194 pages
This book chronicles the rise in sociopathic behavior among adults, adolescents, and children in inner- city, suburban, and rural settings, recognizing that antisocial behavior takes on many forms.
The book examines familial and social causes of antisocial behavior and proposes definitive solutions, including radical changes to the educational system and the mass media. In addition, the book explores social and cultural factors that must be changed if free societies are to reduce antisocial behavior. Initial book chapters cover sociopathic adults and sociopathy in childhood and adolescence. The next chapter examines causes of sociopathic behavior, considering genetics, mental disorders, the role of the family, socioeconomic classes, parental rejection, maternal deprivation, parents against parents, spousal abuse, child abuse, the teenage culture, sociocultural issues, television, deculturation, and violence. Subsequent chapters present historical and international data on antisocial behavior and information on what can be done in the educational arena to prevent antisocial behavior. References and notes

Sale Source
Prometheus Books

Ms. M Rogers, 59 John Glenn Drive, Amherst, NY 14228-2197, United States

Publication Format
Book (Softbound)
Publication Type
Issue Overview
United States of America