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Innovations in Police Training

NCJ Number
Law and Order Volume: 46 Issue: 6 Dated: June 1998 Pages: 85-92
B Clede
Date Published
8 pages
Several innovations in police training have emerged in recent years, including computer-based training, video-based training, television-based training, specialty lectures, and correspondence training.
Computer-based training is a valuable learning aid but it should be just another tool in the instructor's arsenal. Video- based training programs have been praised by police patrol officers, police academy instructors, and police chiefs. The Law Enforcement Television Network (LETN) is recognized in 26 States to fulfill some or all of mandated inservice training requirements. Under the LETN Academy, police officers view programs, complete tests on those programs, and document their training. Specialty lectures are useful in getting specific points across, such as street terminology, the use of force, and special training for police supervisors. Correspondence training is available through the Online Police Academy. This type of training, however, cannot replace training where laws and procedures of a particular State must be included. The various training innovations in law enforcement have proven to be effective in better preparing police recruits for the reality of the streets.

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