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Police and Drugs: A Report of an Investigation of Cases Involving Queensland Police Officers

NCJ Number
Date Published
122 pages
This report presents background information and findings regarding an investigation into cases of alleged or suspected misconduct by members of the Queensland Police Service in Australia relating to dangerous drugs.
Operation Shield had its origins in a decision taken in 1995 by the Director of the Official Misconduct Division of the Criminal Justice Commission to establish a more proactive strategy for investigating corrupt police conduct involving the drug trade. Certain operations were combined into an operation given the code name Operation Shield in September/October 1996. The experience of Operation Shield demonstrated the difficulties involved in investigating police corruption, particularly in relation to the drug trade. Nevertheless, the effort revealed police misconduct that included drug use, drug dealing, the protection of drug dealers, the theft of drugs, the theft of drug money, and the presentation of false material to the court. Findings underscored the need for an ongoing anti-corruption effort that is proactive and to implement several specific recommendations regarding the future of Operation Shield. Figure, footnotes, appended figure, and list of other reports from the same organization

Corporate Author
Queensland Criminal Justice Cmssn

P.O. Box 137, Brisbane Albert Street, QLD 4002, Australia

Sale Source
Queensland Criminal Justice Cmssn

P.O. Box 137, Brisbane Albert Street, QLD 4002, Australia
