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Hawaii Inmate Population and Movement Statistics: Fiscal Year 1996-1997

NCJ Number
Date Published
195 pages
This report presents average and monthly inmate population statistics for Hawaii's State corrections system for fiscal year 1996-97, as well as on the annual and monthly numbers of admissions to and releases from Hawaiian correctional institutions during the same period.
The data are presented for all correctional facilities and for community correctional centers and correctional facilities in each jurisdiction. During the year, the Corrections Division of the Department of Public Safety operated five community correctional centers and three correctional facilities. The total operating capacity for all 8 facilities was 2,760 beds, an increase of 110 beds from June 30, 1997. The inmate population increased from 3,092 in July 1996 to 3,755 in April 1997, declined to 3,526 in May 1997 after 300 sentenced felons were moved to Texas correctional facilities, and increased to 3,640 in June 1997. Sentenced felons comprised about half the total inmate head count and assigned count. The sentenced misdemeanant head court increased from 87 inmates in July 1996 to 144 inmates in June 1997. During the fiscal year, the head count for pretrial felons increased from 746 inmates to 1,029 inmates. The total of 9,165 new admissions represented an increase of 15.9 percent from fiscal year 1995-96. The total number of status changes increased by 11.9 percent, the total number of transfers declined by 3.8 percent, and the number of discharges increased by 7.9 percent. Tables, figures, and glossary

Corporate Author
Hawaii Dept of Public Safety

677 Ala Moana Blvd, Suite 1000, Honolulu, HI 96813, United States

Sale Source
Hawaii Dept of Public Safety

677 Ala Moana Blvd, Suite 1000, Honolulu, HI 96813, United States

United States of America