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REPARE: Reasonable Efforts to Permanency Through Adoption and Reunification Endeavors

NCJ Number
M J Landsman; M Tyler; K Malone; Gruenewald; V Groze
Date Published
5 pages
A program called Reasonable Efforts to Permanency Through Adoption and Reunification Endeavor (REPARE) was conducted from November 1992 through December 1995 by Four Oaks of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in collaboration with the Iowa Department of Human Services to maintain a dual focus on both child-centered and family-centered approaches in residential treatment.
The project was funded by the United States Children's Bureau, Administration on Children, Youth and Families. Its distinguishing feature was the application of reasonable efforts to seriously emotionally disturbed latency-aged children by integrating the successful components of family support and preservation into the traditional operations of residential treatment. The project sought to reduce the length of time that children spent in residential treatment, reduce the severity of the child's emotional and behavioral problems, improve family functioning, and achieve permanency for children through family reunification or adoptive placement. An independent evaluation revealed that REPARE was more successful than the standard residential treatment program in achieving and maintaining permanency and stability for children. The experience of REPARE can help shape future directions in residential treatment practice, child welfare policy, and outcomes research. Tables and 5 references

Grant Number(s)
Sponsoring Agency
US Dept of Health and Human Services

370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W., Washington, DC 20447, United States

Publication Format
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