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Drug Abuse Handbook

NCJ Number
S B Karch
Date Published
1150 pages
This volume of papers by more than 70 contributors, experts and leaders in their fields, contains discussions of drug-related issues in criminalistics, pathology, and toxicology.
This handbook is intended for professionals who deal with problems related to drugs and drug abuse. Various papers examine in detail impairment testing and the pharmacokinetics of abused drugs, along with the field of workplace drug testing, the use of alternate testing matrices, drugs in sports, addiction medicine, and drug-related medical emergencies. Also featured is a step-by- step approach for the management of drug-related medical emergencies, so as to assist in simplifying decision-making. Flow algorithms and decision trees for postmortem toxicology are provided so as to eliminate dangerous mistakes and omissions. Sample calculations show how alcohol levels are estimated and defended in drunk-driving cases. Many references accompany each chapter, and appendixes provide common terms and abbreviations, references for postmortem toxicology, sample calculations, and normal heart weights. A subject index

Sale Source
CRC Press

711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, United States

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