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Leveraging Technology and Partnerships in Criminal Investigations

NCJ Number
Police Chief Volume: 63 Issue: 7 Dated: July 1996 Pages: 19-24
J P Boyle; L C O'Connor
Date Published
5 pages
The Boston Police Department has invested extensively in ID Imaging, an Integrated Ballistics Identification System (IBIS), Detective Case Management (DCM), and other technology and also emphasizes coordination and collaboration with other police agencies and private organizations to make its criminal investigations as sophisticated as possible.
The ID Imaging technology stores photo and fingerprint images in a database and eliminates the need to transport prisoners for fingerprinting and mug shots. IBIS is an automated bullet comparison system that combines the use of lasers, imaging, and computer networks to pair shooting incidents and identify firearms used in crimes under investigation. DCM is a computer-based system that automates many everyday case management functions. The system manages and instantly communicates incident and crime data, victim and witness information, facts about the status of a case, and other information. The system makes possible the online analysis of crime facts, printed reports on patterns, retrieval of cases and reports by various characteristics, and other functions. The Boston Police Department has also developed partnerships and collaborations with the Boston Police Foundation, organizations focusing on domestic assault, the FBI's National Crime Information Center, and other police agencies to improve the effectiveness of its investigations. Footnote

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