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Guide to Sentencing DUI Offenders

NCJ Number
Date Published
25 pages
This sentencing guide was designed to assist judges and prosecutors in reducing recidivism among people convicted of drinking and driving offenses.
This guide provides information for judges and prosecutors in matching offenders to the most effective combinations of sanctions and treatment. The document contains information on: (1) Sentencing (objectives, considerations, factors influencing risk for recidivism, evaluating the offender); (2) Specific Sanctions and Remedies (sanctioning the offender to jail, detention or probation; incapacitating the vehicle ignition interlocks or other immobilization devices; license suspension; vehicle impoundment and forfeiture); (3) Rehabilitation Options for Offenders Sentenced to Treatment (education programs; treatment programs involving medication, diversion, Alcoholics Anonymous); (4) Compliance and Reporting (includes sanctioning options for noncompliance); and (5) Sentencing Support and Research Needs. With the wise use of sentencing options described in this guide, consistent enforcement of sentence compliance, prompt court response to noncompliance, and the dedicated support of criminal justice, public safety and alcoholism prevention and treatment communities, significant progress can be made in reducing injuries and fatalities caused by alcohol-impaired drivers. References

Corporate Author
US Dept of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Admin

1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, West Building, Washington, DC 20590, United States

US Dept of Health and Human Services

5635 Fishers Lane, MSC 9304, Rockville, MD 20892-9304, United States

Sale Source
US Dept of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Admin

1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, West Building, Washington, DC 20590, United States

NCJRS Photocopy Services

Box 6000, Rockville, MD 20849-6000, United States

Publication Type
Report (Technical Assistance)
United States of America