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Report on Visit to Kiev "Sizo" and Bucha Strict Regime Camp: First Report of the S.W.C. Prison Project

NCJ Number
A Koppers
Date Published
11 pages
This report describes two correctional institutions in Ukraine; the Kiev Sizo is a pretrial investigation prison and the Bucha strict regime camp is a correctional labor camp for convicted offenders.
On January 5, 1994, the Kiev Sizo held 2,883 prisoners, of whom 147 were women and 268 were ages 14-17. Men, women, and children are strictly separated in their own departments. The guards do not wear weapons. Underground passages connect the buildings. Female and juvenile inmates are allowed to go outdoors for 2 hours each day; men are allowed outdoors for 1 hour each day. Cells for women each old four inmates; those for men house four or eight inmates. The men appear to be guarded more strictly than the other prisoners. Some inmates are housed in a new building that permits free movement; they form a kind of labor colony. The Bucha labor camp allows more freedom of movement than does the Sizo. The dormitory rooms are large and sleep some 100 inmates each. Medical services have expanded in the past 30 years. The institution has a hospital; its equipment appears to be very old.

Sale Source
Second World Ctr

P.O. Box 1282, 1200 BG Hilversum Netherlands, Netherlands

Publication Type
Program/Project Description