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Client Characteristics and Population Movement Report for Fiscal Year 1995

NCJ Number
Date Published
37 pages
Inmate statistics as of March 31, 1995 are presented.
This report presents inmate statistics provided by the State of Washington, Department of Corrections. Tables illustrate, inter alia, the population of adult corrections institutions and work release with average daily populations and rated capacity by month, distribution of offenses, age distribution and average age of inmates, and racial and hispanic origin distribution of resident inmates and female inmates. Admissions to prison are presented, inter alia, by month and type of admission, by type and county of conviction, by county and race, by county and hispanic origin, by type and sentencing authority, and by month by sex. Releases from prison are shown, inter alia, by type of release and month, by race and hispanic origin and type of release, by category of admission, by sentencing authority, and by month and sex. A glossary of terms and abbreviations used throughout the report is provided.

Corporate Author
Washington State Dept of Corrections

P.O. Box 41108, MS: 41108, Olympia, WA 98504-1108, United States

Sale Source
Washington State Dept of Corrections

P.O. Box 41108, MS: 41108, Olympia, WA 98504-1108, United States

Publication Type
Report (Annual/Periodic)
United States of America