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What Will Be the Effect of Empowering the Line Officer in a Medium Sized Police Agency by the Year 2004

NCJ Number
D Holmes
Date Published
135 pages
The core issue examined in this study is the effect of empowering line officers within a medium-sized police agency.
Sub-issues examined are the impact of empowered line-level officers on organizational culture and organizational structure, as well as the role of the supervisor with empowered line-level employees. The setting for this study is the Milpitas Police Department (California). The department is mid-sized and serves a community of over 56,000 residents. It is in the process of adopting a departmentwide community policing philosophy. During the strategic planning process for this study, a micromission statement was developed by the author for the purpose of providing direction on the issue to the department. In addition to the micro-mission statement, a WOTS-UP analysis and a "stakeholder" analysis were conducted. Through a Modified Policy Delphi process that involved middle-management law enforcement personnel from the Command College, alternative implementation strategies were generated and analyzed. For study purposes, the empowering of line officers was built on a foundation of community-oriented policing. The study found that the empowering of line officers must be supported by improved communications, reduced barriers, and more receptivity to change; the organizational culture will change. Enhanced communication and broader skill training allows for more effective organizational restructuring. The supervisor's role will become more akin to a "coach." The study contains trend and event evaluations. Appended supplementary material, 66 references, and a 72-item bibliography

Sponsoring Agency
California Cmssn on Peace Officer Standards and Training

1601 Alhambra Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95816, United States

Sale Source
National Institute of Justice/

Box 6000, Dept F, Rockville, MD 20849, United States

NCJRS Photocopy Services

Box 6000, Rockville, MD 20849-6000, United States

POST Media Distribution Ctr

1601 Alhambra Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95816, United States

Publication Type
Report (Study/Research)
United States of America