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Compendium of Research on Family Violence and Offender Family Functioning: Research Report

NCJ Number
L MacLean; E Vallieres; J Comeau
Date Published
124 pages
This compendium compiles information on Canadian family violence research projects into an easy-to-follow directory that may be used as a reference tool.
The first section of the compendium contains indexes that cross-reference all the entries according to subject matter, first author, and type of methodology used. The subject index references each entry according to the main subject matter with which the researcher is dealing. The references are listed in alphabetical order according to the first author. The main topic headings are "Victims," which is further subdivided into Women, Children, the Elderly, and People With Disabilities, "Abusers," "Spousal Assault," "Drug and Alcohol Abuse," "Native People," and "General." The index on methodology contains the major headings of "Surveys," "Statistical Analysis," "Interviews," "Case Studies," "Experiments," "Longitudinal Studies," and "Other." After the indexes there are abstracts of all the research entries, listed in alphabetical order by author. Each abstract contains information on the subject matter, issues under investigation, research objectives, time frame of the study, agencies involved, research methodology, major results and findings, research products, whether the project is part of an ongoing program of research on offender/criminal family functioning, and authors/co-authors. Concluding the document are brief summaries of the recently announced Research Centres on Family Violence to be funded over the next 5 years by Health and Welfare Canada and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

Corporate Author
Canada Correctional Service

340 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0P9 Canada, Canada

Sale Source
Canada Correctional Service

340 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0P9 Canada, Canada

Publication Type
Research Report No.FV-01.