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Quebec City House of Detention: A Lively Organism

NCJ Number
American Jails Volume: 8 Issue: 6 Dated: (January/February 1995) Pages: 95,97-100
A H Dussault
Date Published
5 pages
This article describes the management and operation of the Quebec City House of Detention (QCHD) (Canada).
Located at the northern limits of the city of Quebec, the QCHD is an establishment of provincial jurisdiction that accommodates a diversified clientele. It receives each year over 6,000 people charged or convicted of sentences of less than or equal to 2 years minus 1 day. It has room for 494 people. Moreover, since August 1992, a sector with room for 46 has been created for women. Considering all of the people registered at the establishment, it is an average of 900 to 1,000 people who are currently under its responsibility; offenders can take advantage of measures that allow them to serve their sentence or a part of it outside the walls of the establishment. One of the major changes associated with the new facility is improved classification. Multiple wings are designed for various security levels. Women reside in a sector designed with modern facilities adapted to their particular needs. The Open Environment Supervised Program provides for an alternative program for inmates with short sentences, a prerelease program, an intensive supervision program, and a control and reference program. This article also briefly describes various inmate activities, notably, working activities, training activities, academic training, personal training, vocational training, group educational intervention, and leisure activities. Also discussed are community resources and their contribution, as well as challenges for the future.

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United States of America