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Conviction and Sentencing of Offenders in New Zealand: 1982 to 1991

NCJ Number
Date Published
151 pages
Trends in the number of convictions and in sentencing in New Zealand between 1982 and 1991 are examined, using data obtained from the Wanganui Computer.
The first two sections provide an overview of convictions for, and sentenced passed on, all offenses except traffic offenses. These offenses are categorized as violent offenses, other offenses against the person, drug offenses, property offenses, offenses against the administration of justice, and offenses against good order. Another chapter deals with court statistics related to young offenders: outcomes of prosecution, types and seriousness of cases, sentencing, and final court of sentencing. Several issues are discussed in more detail. The chapter on sentencing for offenses involving driving causing injury or death focuses on prosecutions, characteristics of cases, and sentencing trends for reckless driving, careless driving, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and duties arising from an accident. A study on offenders serving a substitute sentence for failure to pay a monetary penalty is the focus of another chapter. The third topic highlighted in the report is complainants' evidence in sex offense cases. 103 tables and 5 figures

Corporate Author
New Zealand Dept of Justice

Private Box 180, Wellington New Zealand, New Zealand

Sale Source
New Zealand Dept of Justice

Private Box 180, Wellington New Zealand, New Zealand

Publication Type
New Zealand
US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, International Crime Statistics Program