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Crime, Criminology and Public Policy

NCJ Number
R Hood
Date Published
650 pages
This collection of 29 essays, assembled in tribute to the renowned criminologist, Sir Leon Radzinowicz, addresses a wide range of criminological concerns and conveys the diversity in the development of criminological studies over the last 20 years.
These essays, which offer theoretical, empirical, historical, contemporary, pragmatic, and humanitarian perspectives, discuss the foundation of cooperation in European criminological research and cover several areas of interest: prosecution, discretion, and police accountability; social history of criminal law; penal philosophy and reform; the administration of criminal justice; sex law reform; public attitudes toward crime and criminals; juvenile justice; the balance between individual rights and community welfare; and the relationship of criminological theory and social thought. Several essays also examine the politics of criminology in the Soviet Union, Sicily, South Africa, and East and West Germany. 1,543 footnotes, 1 figure, and 17 tables

Sale Source
Free Press

1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, United States

Publication Type
Issue Overview
United States of America