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Elder Abuse: A Profile of Victims Served by the New York City Department for the Aging

NCJ Number
J Berman
Date Published
22 pages
This profile describes 835 cases of alleged abuse reported to the New York City Department for the Aging (DFTA) over the December 1986 to January 1989 period.
The findings, obtained by self-report or from a referral source, identify the victims and perpetrators of abuse and the types of abuse involved in the cases, address the reporting of cases to police, and examine the relationships between perpetrators and types and intensity of abuse and between referral sources and types of abuse reported. The elder abuse population was both older and more female when compared to the population 60 and older in New York City. Alleged perpetrators tended to be males (60 percent) and ranged in age from 13 to 96; the majority of perpetrators were relatives (63.4 percent). Psychological abuse (76.3 percent) was the type of abuse reported most frequently followed by financial abuse (48.3 percent), physical abuse (36.5 percent), and neglect (24.9 percent). Most frequently (40.5 percent) community-based and other agencies were the referral source. 11 tables

Corporate Author
New York City Dept for the Aging

2 Lafayette Street, New York, NY 10007, United States

Publication Format
Publication Type
Report (Annual/Periodic)
United States of America