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Jail Diversion for the Mentally Ill: Breaking Through the Barriers

NCJ Number
H J Steadman
Date Published
133 pages
This monograph presents the research and program reviews from a 1990 conference sponsored by the National Coalition for the Mentally Ill in the Criminal Justice System regarding strategies for improving services to mentally ill persons detained in local jails.
A chapter on the styles, strategies, and implications of police handling of the mentally ill concludes that one of the major variables that determines a police officer's dispositional decisions is an effective liaison with the local mental health facility. Seven programs are presented to illustrate such liaisons. Another chapter highlights issues surrounding the initial contact between the mentally disordered person, the police officer, and the jail staff. This presentation emphasizes the many ways in which existing case law and professional associations' standards require thorough screening of all inmates for possible mental disorder. A chapter recognizes that there will always be some mentally disordered persons in local jails and identifies services that are essential for their adequate care. Another chapter builds on the basic theme by advocating case management to link these persons to community-based services. The final chapter is a position statement developed by the April 1990 conference. Chapter references

Grant Number(s)
Sponsoring Agency
National Institute of Corrections

320 First Street, NW, Washington, DC 20534, United States

Corporate Author
National Coalition for The Mentally Ill in The Criminal Justice System

2470 Westlake Avenue North, Suite 101, Seattle, WA 98109, United States

Sale Source
National Institute of Justice/

Box 6000, Dept F, Rockville, MD 20849, United States

NCJRS Photocopy Services

Box 6000, Rockville, MD 20849-6000, United States

Publication Format
Publication Type
Conference Material
United States of America