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Prevention of Elder Abuse (From Treatment of Family Violence, P 406-422, 1990, Robert T. Ammerman and Michael Hersen, eds.)

NCJ Number
K A Pillemer; J J Suitor
Date Published
17 pages
This chapter discusses physical violence against the elderly, focusing on issues in prevention and a variety of interventions that may have the potential to prevent elder abuse.
A review of the literature suggests four major risk factors: intraindividualized dynamics, inequitable levels of dependency between abuser and abused, social isolation, and external stress. The work of child abuse experts is incorporated to frame the analysis of the prevention options: screening, education programs for potential victims, caregiver training and support programs, reducing social isolation, strengthening legal sanctions against maltreatment, and the creation of task forces of service providers and other interested individuals in local communities. A pressing need exists for scientifically valid studies of the phenomenon of elder abuse, particularly large-scale, random sample surveys of the general population and carefully conducted case-control studies. Systematic evaluation studies must be conducted to test various methods of preventing elder abuse. The results of these studies may suggest approaches to prevent elder abuse. 65 references

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United States of America