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Child Protection in the 21st Century

NCJ Number
Child Abuse and Neglect: The International Journal Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Dated: (1991) Pages: 25-30
D Roberts
Date Published
6 pages
The article responds to the predictions made in Dr. Helfer's article on child abuse and neglect regarding the potential for increase in child abuse, what can be done about the problem of child abuse and neglect, and what should our child protection system be doing to be adequate.
The Helfer model of what child protection services will be in the 21st century is the basis of discussion on the current problems of the child protection services and of how to fix those problems. The implementation of that model is discussed as it could apply to the State of Oregon. The aspects of the current system are explored. The problems of the current system such as the role of the individual who initially contacts a reported family and the fact that juvenile courts have become adverserial are reviewed. The various system changes and strategies for the future which are required by the Helfer model are presented in light of changing social structures and the changing view of the family.

Publication Format
Publication Type
Research (Theoretical)
United States of America