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California Law Enforcement Training in the 1990's...A Vision of Excellence

NCJ Number
Date Published
91 pages
This report, written for the California State Legislature in response to Assembly Concurrent Resolution (ACR) 58, provides information about the current state of law enforcement training and what is possible in the immediate future.
The California Legislature adopted ACR 58 as an expression of concern that California's citizens need the highest achievable level of law enforcement services and that law enforcement officers deserve the best possible preparation to perform their jobs. Twin concerns of the legislature are that adequate training facilities are not available and that law enforcement training may be greatly enhanced by the application of technology-based training methods. The ACR 58 Study Committee surveyed and evaluated many technological applications and found that computer-based training, distance learning programs using optical fibers and satellites, simulation programs, and expert systems have high potential for improving law enforcement training. The committee also determined that skill development centers are needed for law enforcement training statewide as well as advanced technology classrooms, leadership development programs, and a learning technology laboratory. The committee recommends that the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training be responsible for providing learning technology and systems expertise, developing a law enforcement training facility needs assessment, and conducting prototype and demonstration projects. Appendixes contain a glossary of terms, survey questionnaire results, skill training activities, and a training effectiveness model. 111 references and 6 figures

Corporate Author
Cmssn on Peace Officer Standards and Training

1601 Alhambra Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95816, United States

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United States of America