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Programs for Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders

NCJ Number
W H Barton; J A Butts; C R Strombeg; R S Weaver; I M Schwartz; F Orlando
Date Published
38 pages
This booklet describes and assesses three programs in Michigan, Florida, and Utah for serious and violent juvenile offenders.
The first paper summarizes major findings from a randomized evaluation of intensive supervision programs in Wayne County, Mich. The study followed 326 youths assigned to intensive probation as an alternative to commitment to the State and compared their outcomes with those of a control group of 185 committed youths. After 2 years, the recidivism and other outcomes of the two groups were virtually identical, indicating that intensive supervision could replace up to 40 percent of all institutional placements which would save millions of dollars without jeopardizing public safety. The Florida program is designed for violent and chronic juvenile offenders who would otherwise be sentenced to the adult prison system. The program is located in the Florida Everglades; there are no fences, locked doors, or lockup units. The program emphasizes work, education, preparation for return to the community, and aftercare. An evaluation found that 45 percent of program participants recidivated compared to 60 percent of the training school population. The Utah program uses a 30-bed, high-security treatment unit for violent and chronic juvenile offenders. The unit uses goal-oriented group treatment in the areas of victim awareness, substance abuse, life skills, anger management, socialization, male/female relationships, leisure time, and sex offender counseling. An evaluation showed that 75 percent of the youth recidivated after 1 year, but none were convicted for a life-endangering felony. Chapter references.

Sponsoring Agency
University of Michigan

1080 S. University Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106, United States

Publication Format
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Program Description (Model)
United States of America