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NHTSA Responsible Beverage Service Research and Evaluation Project

NCJ Number
Alcohol Health and Research World Volume: 10 Issue: 4 Dated: (Summer 1986) Pages: 20-23
M E Vegega
Date Published
4 pages
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has developed two programs for training commercial licensees and social hosts in the responsible service of alcohol.
The objectives for both programs include raising awareness of alcohol-related driving problems, increasing willingness to prevent alcohol-impaired driving among customers and friends, increasing the ability to prevent drunk driving, and determining each program's effectiveness in preventing accidents caused by drunk driving. The alcohol-service program begun in 1986 consists of six, one-hour instruction modules, with an optional seventh module designed for managers who need to instruct their employees in safe alcohol service. Servers are taught alcohol service strategies which, if used properly, should not make termination of service to customers necessary. The modules discuss the concept of server liability and its implications in a commercial establishment, the moral and legal responsibility to prevent drunk driving, methods of control consumption and reducing the levels of impairment, and ways of intervening with intoxicated customers. Managers participate in roleplay exercises to test their intervention skills and refine their strategies; they are also encouraged to work out policies to use in their facilities. A two-hour program to train social hosts in responsible alcohol service has yet to be fieldtested.

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United States of America