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Guide To Reporting Child Abuse to the Department of Justice

NCJ Number
Date Published
45 pages
This manual provides guidelines on child abuse reporting in California, covering who reports and what, when, why, and where to report.
All California child protective agencies (CPA's) use the child abuse central index to complete child abuse investigations. Reports provide information on danger to the victim, prior abuse of the victim, behavior pattern of the abuser, incidents of prior abuse, and supportive data for prosecution. Report information can be submitted by telephone or teletype. Child abuse investigators from law enforcement, probation, and County welfare agencies are required to report all investigated cases found not to be unfounded. CPA's also must cross-report to other CPA's. Sexual (exploitation, assault, incest) physical abuse and neglect and mental/emotional abuse cases must be reported. SS8572 and DOJ900 (medical report) for suspected cases. SS8583 should be submitted after investigative contacts have been made, and it has been determined that the case is not unfounded and is reportable. Investigations must not be completed to report, but reporters should have as much required information available as possible. Reports are submitted to the Department of Justice in Sacramento. A question-and-answer section provides additional information on time requirements for reporting, reportable and nonreportable cases of neglect and sexual abuse, child homicides, and supplemental reporting. An appendix reproduces applicable State laws and facsimiles of reporting forms.

Corporate Author
California Dept of Justice

77 Cadillac Drive, P.O. Box 13427, Sacramento, CA 95813, United States

Sale Source
California Dept of Justice

77 Cadillac Drive, P.O. Box 13427, Sacramento, CA 95813, United States

Publication Type
Policy/Procedure Handbook/Manual
United States of America