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Toughlove: A Self-Help Program for Parents, Kids and Communities

NCJ Number
D York; P York
Date Published
0 pages
A materials kit, a self-help manual, and an audio tape describe the Toughlove Kids Program (TKP), which is designed to modify youths' problem behaviors in the home, school, and social life.
The TKP engages adolescents in a self-help program that meets regularly under the guidance of a trained leader. The program guides, confronts, corrects, teaches, and motivates participants so as to produce changed problem behaviors. Nonnegotiable rules of participation are no drugs or alcohol, no violence or threats of violence, no gossiping about others in the program, punctuality, attendance at every session, completion of 36 hours of volunteer work in the community, active participation in class by honest sharing, completion of workbook exercises, and behavioral change. Parents may be involved in the program as appropriate. The kit contains a booklet on how parents work with kids in TKP, how schools can establish programs, a leader's manual, the nature of a program without a parent support group, and introduction to a 1-day training program. The self-help manual is to be used by kids as they participate in the program. The audio tape introduces listeners to the program.

Corporate Author

P.O. Box 1069, Doylestown, PA 18901, United States

Sale Source

P.O. Box 1069, Doylestown, PA 18901, United States

Publication Type
Program/Project Description
United States of America
Kit contains audiocassette, manual, and pamphlets