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Place of the Patriarchal Perspective in Family Violence Explanation

NCJ Number
C A Bersani; H T Chen
Date Published
10 pages
A number of theorists view patriarchal norms as the underlying factor in wife abuse.
The core principle of this perspective is that violence within the traditional family reflects an arrangement of domination by men. The social structure supports gender inequality, which is rooted in the traditions of Western societies. From this perspective, the economic and social structures depend upon the degradation, subjugation, and exploitation of women. Thus, violence against wives stems from subordinate positions women occupy in relation to men. Social relationships routinely reinforce the dominating and controlling position of men, and this system of social relationships makes violence between men and women possible. A variation of this perspective views supposed increases in wife abuse as due partly to the declining power of the patriarchal family and, more importantly, to the entry of more women into the labor force. This threatens the survival of the capitalist social order because of the loss of control over women's labor power. 16 references.

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